Thursday, February 2, 2012


It's February~ a month has passed.. that was fast isn't it?

So new month new something?

Today we got called one by one.. i was the first..whenever we got called you have to finger-cross because something might change. That changed happened today, i was given a new task,new role,new job(?) but it just for a temporary but IF i choose to stay then i will no longer what i am now. The thing is, i like what i do now, i'm enjoying it and comfortable with it even though there always a bump here and there.. it's normal right?. So it's kinda a promotion and as you all know promotion mean a raise. But i don't think i want that role, i know i haven't try it yet but from what i can see.. it's not what i want and i will probably will not enjoy it. You see the thing is i don't like staying.. i rather go outside. i feel free and i won't stuck up there. Don't make me start with the boss. Since i will be given a training for that role for a week.. i'm fine with it.. but for sure i will be back to what i am (now). Although i will reject it, if they need help.. i will sure will help whatever i can do and that's final.

I hope they will accept my decision later on.


I will not continue my previous post hahaha
We will have an event tomorrow~

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