Few hours later lol, i was awaken by a noise from my bro... so i went to the toilet, then saw my bro ate coconut bun
i point my finger at the bun
"What?" my bro asked.
i still point my finger at the bun and i say nothing
"What is it?" he still don't get me (who would lol)
waves my hand in defeat, my bro in a wonderstruck moment
then i say something incoherent
"What are you talking about?" < getting frusturated
"No..no...." finally i said something and me off to dreamland again...
The End.
oh.. yesterday we had a birthday party~ , we do music class lol, so called music class. teacher = student,student=teacher get it? if not then forget it......, Dud brought their foosball table, they held a double tournament. it took 9 hours to finish the tournament!!! and they were so noisy and sometimes membari tekajut. The others pretty much buat hal masing-masing < ahernya~ including me. sian wawa-chan rejected by papuh monster during our so called 'photoshoot'
bak kata nurule ' batah jua photoshoot kamu ani' lo~l
oh, i watched CNBLUE comeback stage lerr..., yong's guitar = big! lol , jungshin chingoo = dork.
please don't go go go~