Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
stubbor!!!! OVER
they dance like i don't know... let's call it OVER or better.... let's call it STUBOOOOOOOORRR
crazy... i don't call that a dance.. mcm 'P' ada la.. nyanyok kali hahahahahahahahah
right? patatauu???
c NYOk tah banar.. menjatuh kan maruah WANITA!!!
get rid of them...
bek tah beistigfar.. over banar cam nak mati usulnya..
bek pulang c FUZI tu .. ok GO FUZI!! ahahaha
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
long time no see
4 - 0
ji-sung park has finally come back..
lee da hae press conference (posing to all the camera)

Da Hae : please watch ROBBER next year, or else...
Monday, December 24, 2007
christmas gift from ronaldo
nice gift to all man utd fans..
oh ya.. i start to watch my d.gray-man leftover.. i think start from episode 55 hehehe..
minami-ke 11 hilarious!!!! their neighbor are also a crack family (^0^)~
Thursday, December 20, 2007
too many people to ache overrr
- too many people to acher over (some..)
- hard to control
- noisy
- dirtying our room
*bukan ko patatau ih.., kanak-kanak nya..
when are they gonna learn some manner? when??
respect me and i respect you..
mess with me and you shall be done..
Monday, December 17, 2007
YES! thanks to TEVEZ
happy.. i'm sooooooooo to the happppppy~
it should be 2.. but rooney didn't make the chance..
its sokay.. as long as we beat them,
Sunday, December 16, 2007
new look
nice? nice?
yesterday, the PMB result came out ne..
a big congratulation to all who pass their PMB..
and to those who failed.. better luck next time.. FIGHTING! BASSYA!
funny!! i love the mario and resident evil part..
stupid ninomiya-kun.. running toward the wall.. what the heck! ahahaha
Thursday, December 13, 2007
both me and padder.. are about to leave my house..
then the phone is ringing.., i answer the phone and it was june voice..
she inform me that the assessment are CANCEL why?
because the test that they order .. haven't arrived..
so back to my daily routine hohohoho~
i can't wait for ROBBER!! starring lee da hae & jang hyuk~~~
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
lasssssst..... wish me luck..
save the best for last baby~
to patatau: hahaha sian ih.. nanti ku sana akey? for now.. just level up your characters.. (i know it suck) we have to bare it lalalala~
Monday, December 10, 2007
last night when i'm playing persona 3..
i thought it was the last battle.. why? because they said so..
it was like yay.. last battle..
hip hip hoorayyy~
but then after some scene.. its not the real last battle..hahaha
i got punk'd..
my last module will arrive..
7-10p.m << urghh bad timing
Friday, December 7, 2007
on assessment i got 92% same with padder..
my real test.. i got 97% !!!!! padder got 91%
i only made 1 mistake!!!!!!!
if there's no mistake tadi.. 100% udah tu.. hehehehe
so.. next class will be on monday
the last module, Information and Communication
i hope this module is easy as Computer and Managing File..
and thank god.. this module only take 3 hours
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
she inform us that today and tomorrow.. we will have the new module
i don't know which module cause she didn't tell us.. hohoho...
i hate the time!! 7-10 pm
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
my new game
Persona 3
finally.. i got this game..
best game.. a worth to buy hehehe..
last night i play the game for 8 hours!! i can't believe it..
when i asked matsu 'what time is it?'
he replied '12.30 a.m'
than when i ask the same question.., its already 1.30+ a.m...
there's also a manga for persona 3
you can download it here
i haven't read it.. but i'm sure this manga will rock n roll (apa kene mengena ngan rock n roll?)
Monday, December 3, 2007
finally sasuke meet itachi!!
'what do you see with you sharingan?' Itachi
'i see you dead' Sasuke
Friday, November 30, 2007
assessment.. i got 78%..
so, right now.. we have to wait for june to inform us about the next module..
what might it be?
just two more module.. after that GRADUATE!! :)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
yesterday me & papuh monster went to patatau house..
we sneak in.. quitely to her room..,walk in further about to approach her
but she's busy messaging someone (maybe).. and i couldn't hold my self from laughing..
in the end.. she got us..
The End.
2 years later,
hahaha.. apakan?

Sunday, November 25, 2007
oh no bad news
Man Utd Beaten by Bolton.. Thanks to Anelka Score!
arghh arghh .. !@#$%^&* $%&**$# #$^&$@@&*$
why don't they use my eagles hahaha..
(O.O)// why???
Saturday, November 24, 2007
good news
FREEDOM FROM ANY EXAM at the moment.. hehehe..
we are still learning database..,
our PS2 are working now.. after 2+ weeks of surgery.. he finally made it..
yay! good news ehh..
Manchester Utd will be playing against Bolton..
hope Man Utd will win and keep on winning..!
Glory for United~
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
lets go..
there's more!! our teacher gave us another work.. (well actually a continuation)
my teacher told me that i should take diploma..
and my answer is.. " i haven't decided yet "
hahaha.. she say you should..
i don't know lah.. there's something that i wanna do..
we will have a function on friday..
so.. to the my cousin, lets lap kerusi and angkat-angkat makanan hahaha..
To Kufukari - OK lets go to KOREA RIGHT NOW! but where is the money??? (tunggu ku kaya)
you want to meet her? me too..
hahahah.. if we say the password "don't be like this" she will know us?! I WISH~
but wish is just a wish patatau...
:: To All Who Want To Sponsor Us (everything) To Korea/Japan .. Contact me ASAP ::
ahahaha.. macam tah ada orang kan buat cani arah tani patatau.. dui lilah.. siasapun saja..
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Marc Terenzi - Love To Be Loved By You
this month.. i don't know why.. i love to listen to a love song.. for example.. Azyet - Hard to say i'm sorry, Babyface - The Loneliness, Boyz II Men - Bended Knee , Mariah Carey - My All.. and now Marc Terenzi - Love to be loved by You..
here's the lyrics..
Love To Be Loved By You lyrics
I can’t believe I’m standing here
Been waiting for so many years and
Today I found the Queen to reign my heart
You changed my live so patiently
And turned it into something good and real
I feel just like I felt in all my dreams
There are questions hard to answer
Can’t you see…
Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I’m blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved by you
You’re looking kind of scared right now
You’re waiting for the wedding vows
But I don’t know if my tongue’s able to talk
Your beauty is just blinding me
Like sunbeams on a summer stream and
I gotta close my eyes to protect me
Can you take my hand and lead me
From here please yeah…yeah…
Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I’m blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved, I need to be loved
I love to be loved by you
I know they gonna say our love’s not strong enough to last forever
And I know they gonna say that we’ll give up because of heavy weather
But how can they understand that our love is just heaven sent
We keep on going on and on cause this is where we both belong…
Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I’m blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved, I need yes I need to be loved
I love to be loved by you
Yes I love to be loved by you
Monday, November 19, 2007
c tua nyamu!! his name is aku pun lupa daaa..
awu baru jua membali oven .. dah hangus.. no good qualitynya atu..
tadi pun ko men.. hangus jua hahaha.. sian ih..
sabar saja ok?? hahahha...
tejungkang hahaha.. biyut hahahaha..
cana tah jua.. tulah pakai cheat.. sian ih c tua .. kana ucap ahahaha..
berjasa ya tu.. kawan laki sims mu tu.. ahahah..
yang c bini2 atu .. namanya c brandi tu, pregnant tu ya.. awasi ia.. kang muntah..
Sunday, November 18, 2007
i do love rock n roll
Congratulation to Da Hae.. with such performance.. its very unexpected.. she play the drum.. amazingly hahaha.. just watch the video...
i wish i was being one of the dancer hahahah.. and enjoy the night.. (lameoo..)
*credit to sportsseoul
* credit to
Saturday, November 17, 2007
fighting! da hae huhuhu..
i move out my sims to a new place.. yay! ikut c-jat ku..
my sims (DARREN FAMILY) new house are right next to CRIST FAMILY
we are neighborhood hahaha.. her son ARMANDO are now my JUNIOR friend.. hahaha
to Kufukari a.K.a Miaka come and join us playing sims, and lets build a happy neighborhood..
ne?? Miaka-chan
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
instead we are learning about database..
i don't have Ms Access on my pc!! how can i practice for my work that have been given to us..
"susah lah macam ni" << words from one of air asia steward who pissed of by the old lady..
oh ya.. there's some changes on my school schedule
15/11 (6.00-7.30 p.m)
20,22 & 27/11 (7.00-10.00 p.m) urgh..
30/11 (3.00 p.m) assessment!!!!!! if i pass the assessment then i may proceed to take the actual test.. [wish me luck on this..]
i manged to fix kufukari blog hahaha..
adakah biyut hahaha...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
same goes to padder (71%)
urghhh i have to re-take the assessment.. and gotta pay them..
today we will have a new subject to study
"Information and Communication"
*every Tuesday & Thursday, 6.00 - 7.30 p.m*
Monday, November 12, 2007
yay for man utd
glory.. glory.. man utd~
finally latest pic from wookie b'day partyhhh.. check out at soompi forum. i'm a silent reader @ soompi huhuh..
i will have assessment today.. 4.30 pm, Ms excel (hated subject) hehehe..
gotta study..
Saturday, November 10, 2007
if not.. i have to take the test again..
assessment i got 80% huhuh.. the actual test i got 75% hahaha its getting down. the question on the actual test is different from the assessment, more on hard and confusing question..
padder, he flunk his exam .. he got 72% which is almost to the passing mark.. but he do well on assessment, 82% yo! the first person to finished the test.
lets countdown on 11/11 for wookie b'day partyhhh.. hope all the attender enjoy looking,watching,hugging,chatting with wookie hehehe and lets pray for da hae appearance before wookie enter the military camp for 3 years (correct me if i'm wrong) =( =(
but what can we do.. they have serve the military thingy for his own country..
oh ya.. da hae have a new drama called 'Robber'
she will act as a single mom.. wow! a different role from before.. more daring (not really..)
can you imagine da hae with her 5 year old daughter (being a mother) heheheh
here are the synopsis from Dramawiki
" Kwon Oh Joon is a swindler who falls for a widow with a 5 year old daughter, Jin Dal Rae. Dal Rae lives with her daughter and mother in law after her husband passes away. Oh Joon is a suave man who can talk women into doing anything."
Thursday, November 8, 2007
b. b'day
oh my oh my.. how can i forgot wookie birthday (NOV 6,1981) .. huhuhu same case with aiba birthday..
ok, i wanna wish wookie happy belated birthday, hope all your dream comes true, as the light from candle shine on your face .. take a chance.. make a wish.. (a wish that make all your fans happy) hahaha.. know my words.. **wink-wink**
Monday, November 5, 2007
they also order a BOUNCER huhuh..
so yesterday, org yg jahat akal atu switch off the current..
kami masih siuk-siuk main diatas (bouncer yang selajur ada slide) tempat slide.. jadi unbalance
c *papuh monster kesiringan sebalah kiri.., c papuh minta tolong.. apa kan di tolong yang diri ani
pun trap.. c nadieau lagi diatas ku..kan memihit.. so nadieau suruh diorang turun.. yang tinggal kami saja.. ada lagi kanak2 yang bakas kan naik pun cam hadi sandwich pasal sebalah kiri nada orang udah.. kami yang dikanan masih berusaha kan bangun.. pi nda dapat.. malah mikin jadi sandwich.. last2 nadieau dapat bangun selajur turun.. aku pun turun lah.. sekali turun orang dibawah ani.. melihat tah nganya.. nda tah menolong ka apa ka.. CIS! kepada si penutup karan.. nda tah ia kan tau urg kapisan ka apa ka.. CIS!
(tau ku pulang siapa menutup atu.. mambari malas.. kanak2 tah banar)
*mitlee (code name)
*papuh monster (CN)
*nadieau (CN)
Saturday, November 3, 2007
after 1 week of drugging,they finally neutralize the enemy camp (which is inside my throat).
2100 p.m my last drug(amoxcilin) will deploy to an ex-enemy territory to sweep out the remaining undead enemy.
but this time i have a cough :( :( i still have to drink a medicine
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
day 5 - still sick
i feel a little better today compare to last night..
last night i was shivering to the max! i had never been experience such shiver..
it was very cold, my hand look pale.. my nail are purple.. (like a dead body)
i asked my brother to turn off our air condition and cover my self with the 2 blanket keeping myself warm, breath out to my finger until i fell asleep and when i woke up.. i feel hot ..
cause of my sickness.. are............. i had a tonsils..
- sore throat
- pain or discomfort when swallowing
- fever
Saturday, October 27, 2007
i'm sick again
i have to force myself..
ok byeeeee
Thursday, October 25, 2007
its .......
look at the picture below .. do you guys recognize her?
her fans must know her..
she's gorgeous!! as ever..
take her!!!!! don't loose her hahaha..
[rugi banget kalau ko nda pilih ia ani..] mcm tah ia paham cakap melayu
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
nice ending hohoho..
now, i can concentrate watching coffee prince.. i'm on episode 2
tomorrow 3 lah tu..
na-rim aa~ huhuhu..
Monday, October 22, 2007
i try
if this drama have a bzzt..bzzt on me (hahahaha) i might buy it.. huhuh..
oh ya!!!! congratulation to the first malaysian astronaut.. welcome back welcome home~
to the earth!! yesterday 21/10
Saturday, October 20, 2007
bad family / fake family service?
yay i bought bad family at hotmart kiulap..
which one is the exact name of this drama.. Bad Family or Fake Family Service.. (lantak lah..)
tomorrow i will start watching it.., actually i already watch half of the episode..(@ crunchyroll) i stop at epi 6

Thursday, October 18, 2007
yesterday june call me informing that tomorrow we have a class,9 a.m - 12 noon
we will start a new module.. called information technology (IT). who's gonna be our lecturer??
Module 1:
Concepts of Information Technology
Module 2:
Using the Computer & Managing Files
Module 3: Word Processing
Module 4: Spreadsheets
Module 5: Databases
Module 6: Presentations
Module 7: Information & Communication
we already finished no. 3,4 and 6
oh ya.. i think i'm gonna start watching Bad Family (Kdrama) or Witch Amusement (Kdrama) i don't know ih..
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
happy happy
i would like to congratulate the 1st malaysian astronaut Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha a.K.a Mr.handsome hahaha ( you know who you are..) finally your dream came true..
have a nice trip there and we will keep on praying for your safety from beginning to the end of your journey, may allah bless you..
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
new cast
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Press 303 ok? hahah remember that..
looking forward to this new channel..
KBS WORLD is Korean Broadcasting Station
3/2 more days to Hari Raya..
i wanna wish you a Happy Advance Hari Raya!! Maaf Zahir Dan Batin~
Sunday, October 7, 2007
some news!!
have you seen erika in a baaaad mood??
i have seen it.. that was very unprofessional of her..
she just have to smile and no one knows.. everything settle
(like my plan really solve this problem hahaha)
i read some of the forumer comment on her..
i was amused.. they cracked me up..
their comment is just a ridiculous..out of reality..
hahah with the 2 minute of silence thingy..
just check at look for erika forum..
did she really suspended for 1 years?
*erika from 1 litre of tear
Friday, October 5, 2007
how can i forget
hahaha how can i forget aiba's 20th birthday.. bad fans very-very bad fans.. his birthday is on 1/10.. today's date 5/10, its not too late to greet..
Picture credit to Newsen ans 123Greetings
MS Word
no practice just jumping to the exam.. this what i got.., so i have to re-take my exam once again.. we have to pay $30.. my teacher can't believe it either.. she said its because of the gap.. we actually finish Ms word early on August.. well this is October how many gap is that..
now we learn our lesson..
Ms excel the most hated subject hehehe... we need to take assessment first.. because last time the teacher does not gave us any assessment..
* yay! a new layout nice? now you can comment.. or youcan use my chatbox (cbox)
and my regret using that soap.. the pain is about to begin... urghhh!! menyasal banar..!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
not feeling very well
last night i was shivering all of the sudden.. but not for long.., after i woke up this afternoon.. urgh.. my body... it ache here and there.. but i still continue my fasting..
ok..... byeeeeeeeee
Monday, October 1, 2007
sansg sang plus
A short while ago i watch sang sang plus featuring the two lee , Lee da Hae & Lee ji Hoon.. i like to watch part 3 (watch it at youtube) you can see da hae speaking english with her australian accent and a lil story about Michael (source from youtube commenter : her first bf when she's 6th grader [i dont know if it true or not.. believe at your own risk) , i was laughing when da hae ask a question and mr.spectacle answer was just "No,Problem.. Don't Worry.. No Comment .. You Good"
even though it has no sub sometime i just laugh... bla..bla..bla.........
hahah double posting.. i just want to list out my crazyness after watching 'My Girl , Green Rose & Hello! Miss' and some other Kdrama.. which i didn't list out..
i love to say 'basyya! fighting! oppa! sarang hae~ aigoo~ aishhhh! ya!! burago! businsurea (spelling) arata..' this words become my daily word..
happy october
to those who are having their birthday on october happy birthday!! even you dont know me.. just accept my greeting here.. hohohoh..
hello! miss?? i'm on the last episode baby... last episode... they will getting married?? hahaha..
Saturday, September 29, 2007
hello! miss

on episode 10, ji-joon make me became teary hahaha.. 'aegisshi! aegishhi!' , in 'green rose' fav. word 'oppa!' , in 'hello! miss' 'aegeshhi' .. i'm on episode 12
and once again.. i'm abandoning my anime and manga..
i already took Ms powerpoint exam..
my result - 32/36
next exam.. maybe we will be taking /Ms word
nauzubilah~ atu yang lapas sunkey tu,masa kul 10 lagi,time2 kami asyik becrita,ada tia kan ikut campur atu (time cete psl spider) lagi tia nda ku sadar! Panya d dpn ku rah lapik meja kwsn kaki atu.. Baik jua c mum gtau,atu belusir bh,ntak2 hahaha no manner btul
test bloging kai hp
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
and *sniff-sniff* for the last time *sob-sob* i..i........i wil.....l oppppppa~
dont be sad my oppa!
[let me introduce my oppa..hehehe,people who watch green rose will know him]
next drama? i dont know..... i really-really want to watch hello! miss ~
no matter who da hae kiss... there's no one can beat da hae and dong wook kiss on 'MY GIRL' right minna san???? on my girl, they seem had a REAL kiss.. but if you check out da hae other drama.. you can see, their kiss is just like attaching her lips to his lips RIGHT??? don't believe?? see it!! and compare.. huhuhu [*reminder* i only watch Green Rose & My Girl.. so i dont know if there is another drama that make da hae kiss another actor..] Hello! miss maybe.. kissing scene.. i don't know.. i haven't watch it..
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
i'm gonna miss my oppa if this drama end, oppppa~ sarang haeeeee~ hahaha..
last night we thought we had our class but then you know what.. there's no class.. wasting my time only~ why?? we did come to the school and the lecturer really surprise about us.. in the end we went home.. (not in the mood to story-story hahaha)
just now,we RE-WATCH 'My Girl' huhuhu...
Monday, September 24, 2007
my oppa
my oppa are strong.. that's why he survived the stab,thank god!!
sarang hae oppa~
[i dont know what am i talking about]
today.. we watch 'green rose', and we did this on the afternoon 3 disc and night 3 disc = 6 discs, tomorrow i hope i will able to watch it.. cause after breaking our fasting, i have a class to attend (maybe...)
sarang hae oppa~
Sunday, September 23, 2007
at last
oh ya.. hahaha whenever soo-ah are on the scene i always shout 'oopa! oopa!' hahaha just to remind her about her love with oppa (like she hear me shouting..) crazyehhh...
before we watch this drama.. i always ready a box of tissue.. just in case we will become teary on a sad scene..
"OPPA!!! OPPA!!.."
Friday, September 21, 2007
worth watching
on the first episode of course we still don't know the objective of each character.. so during that time.. i always complaining about the director which this scene and that scene supposed to be this and that... hahahaha (sound like i am a PRO director) [lameoooo]
starting episode 3, where his mother commit suicide by eating the unknown pills hahaha.. soo ah came and cried .. that scene is where we start to become teary and teary and teary.. hahaha [boohoo.....] but this teary drama can't beat '1 litre of tear' maybe I'm being arrogant for now,maybe sooner or later i will change my perspective.. since i only watch episode 3.. hahahaha
am i being arrogant here????
sometime this drama inspire me to write some fiction...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
my want
next mission, at the mall! hehehe i don't know whats the kedai name but the plastic bag name it self as 'Golden Music' hahaha.. , after searching and searching for 'hello! miss' lagi ... more disappointment.. they also don't have the drama... so in the end i just bought 'Green Rose' featuring Go su & Lee Da Hae (I'm a lee da hae fan nowww)
i haven't watch it... i hope the drama synopsis speak it self... and from reviewing people opinion i hope its worth to watch...
oh ya! we met miteli and his family.. shopping!! i think we stumble 5 times at the mall hahaha..., i tell him about my obsession with 'my girl' and aunty cdah 'promosi' me to watch 'my little bride' (if I'm not mistaken..)
i talked with my mother about working/studying overseas,cost of the travel,surrounding and many more hahaha... my mom top spot is Australia..
me? 1) Japan 2) Korea 3) either England and Australia
in short our discussion is about work and study
when we talk about it,time sure goes by...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Neglecting my anime and manga
Neglecting my anime and manga
Still the power of lee dong wook and lee da hae from ‘my girl’ stole my anime and manga spot … I haven’t watch the latest anime because of them hahaha even my top favorite anime can’t beat ‘my girl’
Even though this drama is 2 years back.. I love em’ (second time watching..) thanks to miteli <<>
I remember when we talk about Kdrama..
“Have you watched ‘my girl’?” Miteli
“No, what is it?” Kim Ju On
” A Kdrama.. siuk,funny” Miteli
“Owh.. have you watch princess hour?” Kim Ju On
“Siuk?” Miteli
“Siuk.. rugi kalau nda meliat” Kim Ju On
And the conversations continue…
*siuk - fun
kim ju on - me
miteli - miteli
Mosquito I hate you!
Mosquito I hate you!
This post is actually for yesterday, because the power of ‘my girl’ still attached at me I haven’t got the time to update my blog… hahaha
I hate mosquito!!!!!
They bite me!!!
I got 4 on my left hand, 2 on my right hand and 1 on my right leg.. = 7 bite!
I think my blood taste very sweet that many of the mosquito love to fly around me.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
they have a great chemistry together..i hope to see them on a new drama featuring both of them huhuh.. maybe i'm the first to buy their drama hahaha... (not funny..)
next, what drama should i watch???
tomorrow we will have a power point assessment.. hmmmmmmmm.. i haven't prepare to take the text...
Friday, September 14, 2007
second of puasa
second day of puasa.. so far so good eh.. oh ya!! breaking news (its 1 day old actually) our grandmother broke her right hand when she is about to go to the toilet..,because of the wet carpet she slip and hit her hand and back... thank god she's okay right now.. poor nini...
I'm playing Pokemon gold version hahaha... old time games.., i also download the Nintendo DS emulator..
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My Girl

My Girl
ya! at last i watch my girl (korean drama).. before i play the drama,i already booked my fav male character.. of course i choose seol gong-chan hahaha...
this drama a little bit similar with full house...,well the actress of course a one hard headed girl
tomorrow we will continue to watch umm... episode 5!!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
ok talking about Giuseppe Rossi, after i watch him on youtube i just taught why did sir alex sell him to Villarreal?? he has the potential... umm... maybe this is a business.. i don't knowwwww...
dont spam me...
just dont sell my chris eagles hahaha
Thursday, September 6, 2007
power off
during we were having our classwork... half of the power are off,thank god it is not our computer..
but sadly it happen on my classmate who seat on the left side but the student and the lecturer computer are totally off..., 5 minute later the power is back... and they have to start over the work..again.
oh ya.. i already had a major update on anime-bar huhuhu.. i change the video streaming from veoh to youtube.. i have a problem with veoh site.. i dont if this only happen to me or some of you guys are having it too.. well the problem is if i go to veoh site... it feel heavy,slow load,the video is like stuck and play and stuck and play.. that why I'm changing it.
Monday, September 3, 2007
saiunkoku monotagari II
aah... shuurei choose wisely...
tomorrow i will continue to watch!!
well,i like the new lecturer even though only as a substitute... making us comfortable and have a friend-friend environment.. and also gave us some advance tips for us... hope to see him on the next class... heheheh
Saturday, September 1, 2007
i continue to watch saiunkoku monogatari,next episode to watch is 35 and naruto manga 343 page 2. i have to write or else i will forget..
the reason to watch SM again are... season 2... hahaha
ok bye-mee -'_' '_'-
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
today, my father bought a new speaker.. with a bose power .. hehehe.. AND i want to buy The sims 2 Expansion (University and Open for Business) i already install nightlife.. heheee
Monday, August 27, 2007
i keep on voting... but didn't win hahaha.. now as a fan we have more confidence to win the next game... Manchester against Sunderland
go go man utd!!!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
no water
ok GTG!! next match Manchester United Vs Tottenham
oh ya i'm watching seto no hanayome.. episode 3 !!
its raining...
currently waiting for Zombie Loan 9 ( A Living Corpse)
this is making me to read the manga urghh...
Friday, August 24, 2007
same goes to my cuzen... he just swearing 'baka..saru..' hahaha..... oh ya.. during our last classwork.. my keyboard had some problem... the shift button got stuck hahahaha... no wonder i can't type a numeric...
Tips: on how to check our pc system
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

‘1 liter of tear ‘what a touching story… I give it 5 out of 5, worth to watch guys… every episode I watch, every scene I watch there will always a tear coming out of my eye... Yes! I’m a tear jerker hahaha… I managed to finish this drama within 3/4 days.. yay! Every time there’s a scene where someone is sadding urgh…. my tear will flow… and flow… I watched with my ashanty.. She also become a teary.. !! Hahaha and now what I got after sadding with this drama… my eyes feel heavy, I don’t know how to explain… but sure everybody experience it..
What I love about this drama? An inspiration!!! Just about anything about life!!
And now I wanted to buy a new drama from the same actress Erika Sawajiri a drama called ‘Taiyou no Uta’ another ‘illness story’ can’t wait to watch it….!!!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
hope this nightmare will not be continue on the next match... gotta make a score!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
enjoy the shopping while you can..., at last i have '1 litre of tears' i wanted this drama so much... now i can enjoy watching it later...
games, DEVIL KING,DAWN OF MANA,BLACK HAWK DOWN team sabre,DRAGON QUEST VIII,DEMON CHAOS.. i think all this game are 2005/6 games... actually i wanted to buy raw something..something i don't remember what's the title... its about rescuing or surviving game on a building (correct me if I'm wrong)
oh ya.. about my exam... i blew it and i blew the ICDL assessment hahaha...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
c pauline inda jua marah lah.. hehehe malah dier tanya aku pasal kerja yang kana bagi atu.. tu..
next class we are gonna having a assessment.. gotta prepare....
Monday, August 13, 2007
its okay.. better luck next time... hoorayy!!
ok, tadi ku menbiskal.. ada ka patut kan telanggar.. haziq.. udah th kan terlanggar ah.. lost control handling biskal atu lagi... hahaha panas selajur.. panas!!
hahaha..sorry for not writing in english..,my english pun not really that good...
Friday, August 10, 2007
udah atu.. betanya tia c 'eskedia' ani... datang lah teacher arah nya.. pas-pas nya melihat kerajanya atu.. atu ya.. 'what is this?' 'no wonder both of them are laughing' baru tah ia phm knapa kami ketawa, udah tah kan balik.. paksa tah ia kelak menyambung kerajanya atu...
that's one funny moment... but maybe for it is one insulting situation.. (sorry pauline... can't stop the laugh no matter what)
oh ya.. another story about yati..,masa ia baru dtg.. teacher ani melihat ia.. so c yati ano nya.. 'what teacher?' why are you see my face?' teacher balas 'you are beautiful' kamu tau apanya c yati... she reply 'palui teacher ani ih' KETAWA scene lagi... ih fanat banar..
so the next class is on the next Tuesday... [bring photocopy IC]
Online Manga List
Read Manga Online
Root Manga
Tranksten's Manga
The Unrivaled Gallery
walaa! thanks to me.. i've listed all the FREE online manga just to share with you guys(if you are luckily to stumble my blog huhuh..) now together.. we can enjoy reading free online manga..!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
hahaha that's a reminder for my internet connection..,our internet connection will stop for 10 minute to rest.. that's commander order/schedule...
tomorrow, 2nd day of being a student (again...).. what will the next task huh?
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
New School?
the teacher are cool.. sporting..
i've learn the basic of microsoft words 2003 and you know what... when the teacher gave us a classwork... i'm the first one to finished it.. yay! me...
great experience for a first timer...
my next class is on thursday... looking forward to study a new things!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Rooster - Deep and Meaningless
Yeah I, I don't know why I still feel your touch
You, you left me feeling high and dry
With nothing, nothing but the queston why
Yeah you, I guess you had another direction
And leaving me with nothing but a dead connection
If you call me today
I'll say that I'm fine
But I bet you can tell by the tone of my voice
It's just a lie
You knew what you had
You still walked away leaving me in this mess
My love for you is deep and meaningless
You, you knew what you were doing to me
And I, I guess I was too blind to see
Well you hit where it hurt and you fooled me so bad
But I'd do it again to relive what we had
(Damn that's sad)
There are many things left to remind me
Of a love that I just can't leave behind me
Chorus (Repeat)
Getting ready...
i will be attending focus computer school and taking ICDL course..
i will only come to school every Tuesday and Thursday, 7.00 - 10.00 p.m
3 hours on the night... will i be able to do it? hahaha... lets see
so.. in short tomorrow will be my first time attending FCS.. wish me luck.. oh ya not only me.. my cousin will also attend the same school and same schedule...
what should i wear... a baju kurung or blouse?
Love this song.. what a meaningful song..
Rooster - Deep and Meaningless
First Post
OK,past is past.. present is present.. lets move on...
Minna-San yoroshiku onegai shimasu m(_ _)m